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In summer 2017, Raumgeschichten e.V. conducted a research project in Singidia, Tanzania. The project was in close collaboration with Nka Foundation, Environmental Foundation for Development (EFD) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technologie (KIT).
The overall objective of the project was to assist the Nka Foundation to launch an international architectural competition for young graduates and students from the field of architecture or neighbouring disciplines.

The research study attempts to enable designers who are not familiar with the local conditions of Tanzania, to develop better design solutions more suitable for the context they will be located in. It wants to bring awareness to the specific needs of the people, the historic context, and the unique environment we, as architects and urban planners, interact with. The study provides an introduction on national, regional as well as on local scale of the proposed Nka Arts Village site in Singida.

For further information please have look in our report:
Research Study


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